Friday, May 24, 2013

My world

My world. Let's see, i'm a 21 year old girl trying to survive her twenty-somethings. I am at an awkward point of my life where half my friends graduated, meanwhile i'm doing a fifth year of college. I'm beginning to enter the "grown up" stage where I need to figure my shit out and that scares me because I have no idea what i'm doing and financially I can't be on my own whatsoever, but I do not want to ever have to move back home. It's a dilemma.  My world is what you would call comfortable, I have established a great group of friends, found a boy I really love, made something of myself (or so I like to think), and well i'm just living my life. It's all really weird actually, like i'm at that point in my life where I need to begin my path. Honestly though who wants to grow up entirely? College is fun, the real world is not. I am terrified what happens after this year. I like to think I have it all figured out but there's moments in this little world of mine that I lose track of everything and realize i'm so far from done with what this life has in store for me. So this blog is just me, whatever I write about is an outlet. I hope whomever comes across this enjoys it.

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